Monday, May 9, 2011


INTO THE MYSTERIES: If life were fully clarified it would be as banal as an endless sunny day

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"The heart is the only organ in the human body that grows by breaking. The education of the heart grows through the shattering of the heart. The heart is able to produce deep empathy through heart-to-heart communication."


"The world of affect, of memory, is related to the language of the heart, and he wants his plays to communicate through the indirect channel we sometimes call heart-to-heart communication."

Monday, April 18, 2011


“Elise and his own daughter condensed into role of one woman”


"He decided to kill himself by falling in front of a subway at 8 o’clock in new york city."


"As if he is bathed in a pool of narcissism."


"She’s been transvalued through her relationship with Quentin."


"It produced a position of radical, prelapsarian, adamic, atom-like in its standing, innocence, that's discovered as a mask of recognition of own faults."


"In his plays he left undramatized the relationship between the men and the women in his dramas."


"When Marilyn Monroe chose as an exit from this world an act that was in his plays the concluding act to all of his name-giving plays, allowed him to bring to judgment the imagination that had been used in all his preceding plays."


“She was more tragic than any of the characters Miller had imagined. She committed suicide not on his stage but in his life."


"The women in All my Sons are props....sheep."


"Throughout their relationship miller promised to write her a screenplay that would allow her to play a part in which she had a relationship with a man who would be her father."


"She was a joke, she wanted Miller to give her play that would create image of her."


“Relationship between the egghead and the hourglass”


"Until the day he died he never stopped taken flowers to Marilyn Monroe’s grave."


"A complete manifestation of Eros that never stopped identifying itself with that of an innocent child."


"Arouse the most american fantasy in a persona that was child-like, not childish, in it’s innocence. She seemed to be Eve before the fall, and the contradiction between the body she occupied in the extreme of sexuality and all the innocence in her body."


"Field of dreams and the dream factory of Hollywood had entered into union"


"Marilyn Monroe is a figure, as you know through the Elton john song, who fascinated and will forever fascinate the American public"


"Monroe is a classic American figure. You know her more through her embodiment by Madonna or Lady Gaga”


"Marilyn Monroe is a figure that aroused the most erotic emotions. She was a figure that was childlike, not childish, in her innocence. She seemed to be in the contradictory relationship that she embodied. All the sexuality and childlike characteristics in one woman."


"Baseball in the US was not just an athletic field. It was a space where figures who came from wildly different immigrant backgrounds could develop personalities and manfiest talents that made the baseball an alternative site of Americanization. Baseball was a space where immigrants became Americans."


"He had feet of clay, he shattered!!"


"Willy loman lives a dream that organizes the interiority of every american."


"A tragic hero is someone taken over by the human sublime. Fear of that sublime that horrific energy is one of the responses to a tragic hero"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"When you were getting into fascism frank was getting into her bed."

"She's a gorgeous girl." "But she has warts"

-All My Sons


""Let's take a look at THIS..."


"The moral enquivalent of the storm coming into Joe Keller's own existence by bringing another son home, not his son but the son of the man who took his fall...for him."


"Your truth will be annunciated as a lie to us."


"He's gonna gut it out....and KEEP HIS STORY!!!"


"The two remaining members of his family tell him, you're truth better be anunciated as a lie..."


Student: "What do you mean by 'edible tension'?"

Big Daddy Don: "The tension between fathers and sons is the tension between the mother and the father and the sons and the father and the mother. Its edible meaning the classic Oedipus context. Not like eating edible. Did you think I was talking about eating or something?"


"Unlike O'Neill who will produce an edible tension between fathers and sons, Miller produces a morrow tensions between fathers and sons."


"It's a need to take the woman he bethrothed. Larry had pledged Mary to Chris as his wife."


"He has experienced something that made him beholden to that higher value than the family and that higher value became the basis for all his actions."


Bert says, "Joe can I show you my gun? Are you gonna put me in jail if I tell you what me and Tommy did when we played 'cops and robbers'?"


"For Joe Keller every decision he's ever made was for the sake of Joe Keller and Sons, which was his means of an inheritance or passover."

Monday, April 11, 2011


"She was imagining for women in 1925 a vision separated from the social enactments by which vision can enrich all of humankind, give you the sense by which you have enjoyed transcendental life of the human kind through your mindfulness."


“They may have enclosed your body in some damp cell, but the imagination can’t be closed off.”


"You know you have a hand because it touches you..."


"You’re gonna lose the tennis racket and the tennis club and all of the money you’ve inherited and you’re gonna end up in a cramped jail cell."


"You may save its bricks and mortor, but if you bankrupt its vision, the foundation has no ground to stand on, if you violate the founder's vision you're a college that is a whited sepulcher."


"Vision inspires vision, and the only currency that is in negotiation of vision is vision, imaginative vision, which means in order to negotiate with the founder’s vision, you have to be able to engage the vision at the level in which it was envisioned"


"He killed Native Americans. And he won't give up the hill, because the only way he could make reparations for owning the land that had become a burial ground for the Blackhawk's people, is by founding a college on a hill that would cultivate the seeds of the mind, that were similar to the seeds of corn....the seeds of wheat...planting the seeds in the minds of students."


"I see that this land can be turned into the basis for...MANNNNY FLOURISHING FARMS."


"Vision inspires vision, the only currency in negotiation with vision is VISION."


"What inagurates the dilemma of the inheritors?"


"You don't really understand the value of being unless you lose the capacity to be at all."


"Wilder constructs a vision of life in which every moment of it is an occasion to increase the enjoyment."


"It's the capacity to exceed any human beings capacity to fulfill it."


"Unborn is another description of the dead. If you're not born you're dead."


"A character who has fallen out of the power to live life as a social being, by becoming dead, wants to get it back."


"They themselves are embodiments of incarnations, manisfestations, personifications of divine creation."


"It exists between the realm of the creative world and the process of creating it..."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Is it possible to return to life from the position of the dead?"


"It was a form of disrespect to those universal manifestations of being human."


"The dead, the figures who have lost life are looking out at the living, and speaking to them."


"You have to have life to love life, and you have to love life to have life
you have to have life, you have to be alive to it, in order to love life."


"She sees him withouth the condition-ing of the story, she thereby sees him without the condition."


"She has seen him, undressed him, not as the story, not as the idol, but as who he is..."


"In what can be called the condition rhythms of existence, The First Act."


"The flux and the influx, the sense of enjoyment as you’re enjoying what you’re doing as you’re doing it because it’s happening. It makes you feel as if you’re completely in the activity."


"You’re doing it, it’s doing you – which is it? You’re no longer conscious – are you doing them? Or are those actions so automatic they’re doing you?
In which what you’re doing is simultaneously acting on you as you’re doing it."


"What you're doing is acting on you as your doing it. There's a double action."


"What if life is a gift from the living to the dead? What if life is a gift to those who have lost life? Then every symbol, every instance of life becomes worth living."


"Why do you have to turn every moment into the passion?"


"Cosmic, Global, and Universal domination"


"You can't own the objects of the imagination. The objects of the imagination are given to the world through the process of imagining and are given to the world through the gift of imagining." 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Have a great quote?

Comment on this post if you have some memorable words of wisdom from Dr. Donald E. Pease, Jr.

Monday, April 4, 2011


"What you have will dispossess you, even as it makes you feel that you are in possession of it."


"Being and having are antagonistic attitudes..."


"Desire cannot be familiarized, desire exceeds the power of family to control desire."


"The prostitute is the cornerstone of all society."